Published inPsych PstuffNature and Mental Health: How the Natural Environment Promotes Psychological Well-BeingNature can bring you to stillness, that is its gift to you. — Eckhart Tolle5h ago5h ago
Published inPsych PstuffRealistic Optimism vs. Pessimism: Crafting a Balanced Cognitive OutlookPessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power. — William James1d ago31d ago3
Published inPsych PstuffFinding Flow in the Ordinary: Experiencing Fulfillment in Everyday TasksA person can make himself happy, or miserable, regardless of what is actually happening “outside,” just by changing the contents of…2d ago72d ago7
Published inPsych PstuffPositive Influences of Social Media: Building Connection and Encouraging ActivismSocial media: Don’t use it to impress people. Use it to IMPACT people.3d ago53d ago5
Published inPsych PstuffDesigning Environments for Well-Being: The Psychology of Physical SpacesNature is not a place to visit, it is home. –Gary Snyder4d ago44d ago4
Published inPsych PstuffLeveraging Curiosity for Lifelong Learning: Staying Open-Minded and EngagedCuriosity and creativity are intelligence having fun. — Albert Einstein5d ago45d ago4
Published inPsych PstuffCompassion Fatigue: Recognizing and Managing Empathy OverloadThe more appropriate term, rather than “compassion fatigue,” might be “empathic distress fatigue.” We’re not hearing the story, we’re…6d ago46d ago4
Published inPsych PstuffDay-to-Day Creativity: Infusing Ordinary Routines with Imaginative ThinkingCreativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought. — Albert EinsteinFeb 810Feb 810
Published inPsych PstuffTurning Envy into Inspiration: Reframing Comparison for Personal GrowthPride, envy, avarice — these are the sparks have set on fire the hearts of all men. — Dante AlighieriFeb 74Feb 74
Published inPsych PstuffHarnessing the Power of Solitude: Quiet Time for Emotional ResilienceIn solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself. — Laurence SterneFeb 64Feb 64