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Projective Tests in Psychological Assessment — Beyond the Inkblots
Other forms of Projective Tests
While the Rorschach Inkblot Test, the Thematic Apperception Test and the Human Figures Drawing Test are among the most well recognized and clinically utilized projective assessment measures, various other lesser-known projective tests exist.
Below is a list of various projective personality assessment measures (Lilienfeld, 2000).
Free Association
· Freud’s “fundamental rule” of psychoanalysis. Clients say whatever comes to mind, without making a conscious effort to inhibit their speech. Unconscious troubling material is interpreted from slips of the tongue, blocking, and other verbal expressions.
Word Association Test
· Items consist of single words read aloud by the examiner and to which subjects provide the first word that comes to mind. Jung (1906) claimed that long pauses, infrequent associates, and other unusual responses suggest that the stimulus word is related to one’s underlying problem.
Projective Play
· Erik Erikson’s (1950) suggestion that play is a child’s natural mode of expression and serves the same purpose with children as free association does with adults. The child’s emotions…